owling9 michinoku 2017

Sunday, January 28, 2018

quick update

Saturday Evening
27th January, 2018. 
We left the hotel and went to Ginza in Tokyo. 

What a vibe ! 
What a place ! 
I have always loved Ginza ever since I first came here in 2004. 

Apple Store .... so many people ! 

We went for an early dinner at an izakaya
which was located in a basement. 
Very cramped, very wonderful indeed. 

After the wonderful izakaya
we ended up in a Sports Pub near our hotel. 
Not busy, comfortable ambiance. 
We bought more food !  Like, did we need to ? 

A mandatory snack back in the hotel room. 

28th January, 2018

We took the train/s 
The Imperial Shrine of Yasukuni
informally known as the Yasukuni Shrine
 (靖国神社or靖國神社 Yasukuni Jinja)

My first time there.... it was very powerful. 

"Gomi" in this context means five different flavours. 

five flavors (sweet, salty, spicy, sour, bitter); five palates; five tastes

Photography within the actual display area of Yasukuni 
was prohibited. We spent maybe 2 hours there looking 
at the displays. 

After that we went for lunch. 

We took a train ..... can you see the train behind the pillars ? 

Apple Store. 

Embassy Place ..... sooooo expensive in Minato. 

We went for lunch in a Spanish Restaurant. 

After lunch we walked and found this sweets shop. 
Bought some gifts for me to bring back to Australia. 

We ate dinner in our room .... a veritable feast it was.