owling9 michinoku 2017

Sunday, May 29, 2022


29th May, 2022



29th May, 2022

My Cancerian Horoscope for the upcoming week

courtesy of 

Oscar Cainer: 

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're about to step out of the shadows and into the sunshine. And, let's face it, after recent events, you more than deserve to feel the warmth and light you've missed for so long. Of course, when you leave darkness you open yourself up to scrutiny. Think of an actor exiting the wings for the centre-stage spotlight. Suddenly it's all eyes on you. But your audience is appreciative. It's made up of people who wish you well. When you stride out this week, you'll bask not only in sunshine, but in the love of people who are happy to see you back. 

My favourite tree in Fukushima City as I think about my dear, elderly friend, 

Noriko H. who is seriously ill. I pray for her recovery, albeit unlikely. 

We shared many wonderful conversations together ... I wish for that to continue. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022


 Super-wet Saturday

14th May, 2022

Flooding, rain rain 'n more rain ... 

Need some positive vibes for this weekend after the inclement weather

casting a downer on all of Queensland. 

Cancer the Crab

Prediction for the coming week, courtesy of Oscar Cainer: 

Should you stay or go ?

 Accept or object ? 

Believe of mistrust ? 

Go wild or play safe ? 

Actually no matter what you decide, there will be consequences and legacies. You can sit and think about the 'best' thing to do forever. But should you ? Are there time when it's better to take action, and deal with the repercussions when they occur ? There's no doubt that you have a difficult decision to make. But, the Super Lunar Eclipse is set to help. The choice will be made for you by various factors outside your control. You're about to feel better. 

Thinking in opposites is exactly how I think, plus Oscar's prediction seems pertinent in my current situation. Let's hope that the Starz align for this prophecy to come true for moi. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

June & Norm


10th May, 2022

Today was the 70th Anniversary 

of the wedding of my late parents. 

This photo was taken on the very night that they met at Cloudland Dance Hall. 

Left to Right as you see it: 

Back Row:  Norman and Doug Maile ( friends from the P.M.G. where they worked )

Front Row: Gloria Durrant , June, Lorna Maile ( Doug's wife ). 

                                                              Left to Right as you see it: 

Groom Norman, Bride June, June's younger sister, Helen, Norman's elder brother, Mervyn 


07th May, 2022

A trip into Brisbane City to get out of the house
for a bit. Fine enough weather. 
Not many folks in Brisbane City, not at all. 

Lunch at a Vietnamese place in the Arcade off
of Adelaide Street.  Was first time there, really good. 

  Late, coffee at South Bank ( South Brisbane ). 


09th May, 2022

Big rain event over Queensland today and for the next few days, too. 

Early lunch at the Colmslie Hotel. 

Always a good experience. 


                                                                         Rest in Peace

                                                             Thanks to both you and Michael for your many
kindnesses over the years, long since gone. Appreciate them. Safe journey. 

Death Notice

Betty Taylor

Published on 18/05/2022

TAYLOR Betty Betty passed away peacefully on 5th May 2022 aged 91 years after a long illness. The beloved wife of the late Michael. Much loved Mum of Judith, Robert and Jonathon. A devoted Grandma and Great Grandma, Sister to Peter and friend to many. Betty will be very sadly missed by all who knew her. Funeral service to be held on Friday 27th May at 1.30 pm at The Altrincham Crematorium. Whitehouse Lane, Dunham Massey. WA14 5RH Family flowers only please. Donations in memory of Betty for the benefit of St Ann's Hospice, and all enquiries may be sent to Ashton Brookes Funeral Directors. Churchside Church Street Altrincham WA14 4DB 0161 928 2000

Sunday, May 1, 2022



01st May, 2022

A drab, overcast, chilly, Autumnal day to kick off May. 

Trip to the nursery to buy a plant

then onto Hemmant Cemetery

to plant it there. 

17 years ago to the day Sandie came to visit me in Koriyama City

as it was Golden Week in Japan. 

A staunch Catholic in an Anglican Church !  LOL 

It was a great morning ... she was made to feel very welcome

even though she couldn't speak a word of Japanese. 

Sunday ... Church day. 
