owling9 michinoku 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017


18th December, 2017

Soooo  Hot in Australia today ! 

The joint feels like a furnace .....  get me back to the snow country. 

Cancer the Crab
My horoscope for today. 
How accurate is this, eh ? 

Your commitments may have piled up so high that you are overwhelmed today. You thought that everything was moving along according to plan, only to realize how much remains to be completed. The Sagittarius New Moon falls in your 6th House of Work, giving you hope that you still can perform a miracle. But its conjunction with taskmaster Saturn reminds you of the long row to hoe extending before you. Although you wish you could find an escape hatch, rely on the fact that you will feel a real sense of accomplishment once you are done. The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish.