owling9 michinoku 2017

Monday, August 10, 2020


Saturday, 08 th August, 2020
Sunday, 09 th August, 2020

It is the OBON Season in Japan
and I usually acknowledge the meaning of this
in some way or another. 

This year, I sifted through many '000s of old photos
 and trivial documents, 
some dating back into the 1800s. 

Who wants them ? 
Not really of use whatsoever, including sentimental ... 

And when I die, then what of them ? 
For someone else to remove them, at a co$t. 

Monday, 10 th August, 2020

I drove the bags to the Chandler Dump for burning.
Such memories are not my memories .... long ago they ended. 


Tuesday, 11th August, 2020

Trip to Toowong Cemetery. 
Yates Grave seems to have collapsed a little more. 
West Grave needs a little attention. 

Trip to Centennial Gardens to see the folks
They are interred in a wall there .... all is good. 
