owling9 michinoku 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017


24th October, 2017


I caught the train from That City to This City ( usually the opposite )
to see my former co-worker / friend, 
Noriko san. 

We met for an early luncheon. 

We both chose the Set Course.  No alcohol. 

View looking westwards over Fukushima City was great. 

We drove in Noriko san's car to the second party. 
She stopped at the small pizza shop near my old apartment
in Jinbacho !   I was surprised. 

We went to Noriko's mother's house .... she is a genki 93 years old. 
Lovely house, I might add. 

Thank you for pouring the wine ! 

 All too soon I had to catch a taxi to the station
and then a local train back to Koriyama City. 

Great company, great food, great day. 
