owling9 michinoku 2017

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Monday 8th

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y 
C H I K A K O ! 

Yukie san sent some chocs and a  green something .... 

By special request, a watermelon was substituted for a birthday cake. 

And my present was a new bicycle, blue in colour. 

It's time to say Thank You and Good Bye to the old orange bike. 
I bought it from Brad back in 2005. 
So many miles ..... well done. 

Dinner Time - we went to a Chinese Restaurant in This City. 

This was just a little too spicy, actually. 
The rest of the food was perfectly prepared and tasted delicious. 

Junket for dessert. 

Food and ambiance were both wonderful, as well as the company of course. 
Birthday has ended for another year, at least. 

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