owling9 michinoku 2017

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Rothcote Dilemma


01st August, 2023

The very first day of the final four months of 2023. 

Cancer the Crab


Courtesy of Oscar Cainer: 

It's worth checking the small print. Three-quarters of the way down the page you'll find a line that's easy to overlook. It says 'regardless of the agreement you've made, you're free, at any time, to do what you choose'.  This is an escape clause. You don't believe me !  In that case, you need to have another look at the difficult situation you're caught up in, which you feel duty-bound to see through to the bitter end. There is a way to turn it around. The Supermoon encourages you to reassess a factor that looks impossible. It's not ! 

How apropas, Oscar. This is exactly my situation with Rothcote Court. Let's hope that your prediction proves to be accurate !  I need it to be ...