owling9 michinoku 2017

Saturday, May 14, 2022


 Super-wet Saturday

14th May, 2022

Flooding, rain rain 'n more rain ... 

Need some positive vibes for this weekend after the inclement weather

casting a downer on all of Queensland. 

Cancer the Crab

Prediction for the coming week, courtesy of Oscar Cainer: 

Should you stay or go ?

 Accept or object ? 

Believe of mistrust ? 

Go wild or play safe ? 

Actually no matter what you decide, there will be consequences and legacies. You can sit and think about the 'best' thing to do forever. But should you ? Are there time when it's better to take action, and deal with the repercussions when they occur ? There's no doubt that you have a difficult decision to make. But, the Super Lunar Eclipse is set to help. The choice will be made for you by various factors outside your control. You're about to feel better. 

Thinking in opposites is exactly how I think, plus Oscar's prediction seems pertinent in my current situation. Let's hope that the Starz align for this prophecy to come true for moi.