owling9 michinoku 2017

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


16th June, 2020 

I drank some Iron Jack beer in the evening. 
First time to try this brand. 

17th June

I took some photos of my small garden this morning. 

Above:  My daikon seems to have a lot of leaf but I fear little substance.... 
Have to wait a while long. 

Below:  Yesterday I put two Tibouchina Trees into pots. 
Purple flowers. 
Got them from Sandie and Steve's garden in Maleny on Saturday. 

Above: My jalepeno plants are struggling during the chilly Winter months ( pun intended ). 
Below:  Sam's chili bush seems to be recovering slowly after the leaves were eaten
 by our local possums who come to visit every night ... late. 

Above:  The mango tree is doing well in its sunny position against the wall. 
Below:  The paw paw tree has fruit however our possums might think 
that they have first dibs on them .... I don't think I'll be eating them, then !