owling9 michinoku 2017

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Saturday Evening 
13th December, 2015

JES had their annual Christmas Party 
at Tomoshibi in This City. 

Shizuka san with some amazing pink drink. 

Bryan gave the Welcome / Merry Christmas Speech . 

Not the best photo. 
Shizuka, Masako and Noriko. 

We took a selfie using my Blackberry. 
Me and Reiko san. 

Noriko san drinking something green - she doesn't drink alcohol. 

Bryan calling the Bingo Numbers. 
The Bingo went really well ! 

Mutsumi san. 

Reiko san. 

A genki Toshi san. 

The waitress bringing some delicious dishes. 

Masako from Panasonic. 
She looks excited. 

Shizuka san. 

Shoko san after winning her prize. 

Tomoko san (staff) and Noriko san. 
What a beautiful kimono. 

Miss Fukushima Peach, 2013 ! 
Glowing from a few cocktails....... 

Shoko san - how many ladies named Shoko do I know ?? 

Tetsu from Panasonic. 

Reiko san. 

Mutsumi san. 

The Christmas Party this year seemed to go really well. 
Everybody enjoyed.