owling9 michinoku 2017

Saturday, August 31, 2024

End of August.


31st August, 2024

End of Winter in Brisbane City. 

Tonight is Riverfire. 

As is custom, the RAAF put in an incredible show ! 

Not my photos, please see each photo for acknowledgement. 

Spring brings magpies  attacking .... having been their target on occasions, it's not pretty. 

I didn't participate this year. 

Temp was 32 C for the final day of Winter !

How hot will Summer here be ?? 

Monday, August 12, 2024



12th August, 2024

On Saturday, it was EKKA Day !

The official opening event  - my first ever time to see that ceremony. 

Weather was good, crowds okay. 

Enjoyed . 

Sunday, August 4, 2024


 Welcome to August, 2024

How quickly 2024 is flying by ... don't you think so ? 

Soon it will be Ekka Time in Brisbane City; can't wait @ happytime.com.au 

How true this saying is .... ' Storm in a teacup '