owling9 michinoku 2017

Friday, July 1, 2022



01st July, 2022



Grey sky. 

Strange Winter weather . 

First day of the new fiscal year in Oz. 


Some random photos to kick off July. 

Both #8 and #10 are up for sale, having the same current owner. 
Forecourt looks clean. 

On this day: 

Saturday,  01/ 07 / 1967

i.e., 55 years ago

George William W ...  who was known as Billy 

died at aged 73 from a heart attack in the early afternoon.

I fondly remember him ~ he was always kind to me as a child. 

Buried in Toowong Cemetery, 

Frederick Street visible on the right hand side of the photo. 

B6 is named in your memory.