05th June, 2022
Some photos, unfortunately not
in sequence.
My Happy Plant in its new home, doing well.
Below: Koriyama to Fukushima
Below: Fukushima Station, East Side.
Below: Igetajinba Mansion, Jinbacho, Fukushima.
My first rental in 2007 - 2010. Enjoyed.
Below: My monsteria live on! I'm so pleased its doing well.
And my sofa seems to be okay, too.
How cheap are these guys compared to Oz ??
Below: Yutaka Building, JES. How many years was I there ??
Below: Koriyama Train Station.
Below: Paseo Street, Mizuho Bank on the right out of camera.
New building work.
Below: Sumiko and Kotoe, my fan in the background.
Below: The house used to have fish tanks as windows, so interesting.
Soon to be townhouses. Sukagawa, south Koriyama.
Below: Shinkansen