29th May, 2022
My Cancerian Horoscope for the upcoming week
courtesy of
Oscar Cainer:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're about to step out of the shadows and into the sunshine. And, let's face it, after recent events, you more than deserve to feel the warmth and light you've missed for so long. Of course, when you leave darkness you open yourself up to scrutiny. Think of an actor exiting the wings for the centre-stage spotlight. Suddenly it's all eyes on you. But your audience is appreciative. It's made up of people who wish you well. When you stride out this week, you'll bask not only in sunshine, but in the love of people who are happy to see you back.
My favourite tree in Fukushima City as I think about my dear, elderly friend,
Noriko H. who is seriously ill. I pray for her recovery, albeit unlikely.
We shared many wonderful conversations together ... I wish for that to continue.