owling9 michinoku 2017

Monday, April 27, 2020

My Garden

End of April, 2020

My Garden in pictures. 

Note the green foliage on the chilli bush to the left of frame. 

Above:  Some lettuce growing from seed. Hopefully they will sprout more
during this almost-Winter Season. 

Below:  A challenge which I set for myself. Originally it was a very small
stick from a beautiful Hibiscus bush which Sandra san gave to me a year 
or so ago. This mini-cutting seems to be doing so very well ! 

Poor Paw-Paw ! 

Compare the foliage on the chilli bush now ! 
A hungry possum stopped by a few nights ago for a feast. 

Same possum has been dining on passionfruit leaves, too. 
My vines have been nibbled bare. 

Leanne's CROTON bush is doing well. 
I pray that she is too .... Stage 4. 

I planted some DAIKON seeds which have sprouted. 
My last seeds did not germinate due to the hot Summer weather here. 
So I thought maybe a sub-tropical Winter would be more to their liking ? 
Wait and see ... 

Below:  Winter is coming. 
The night temperatures are decreasing and the early mornings are chill. 
So much better than the heat and humidity. 
Got the heater out just in case there is a sudden temperature drop. 

A jigsaw table which my late Father made back in November, 2000. 
It was painted white and had gotten a bit knocked-about. 
So I repainted it green with white .... what do you think ? 

A little gift for Sandra san . 

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