owling9 michinoku 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 5th

5th July, 2017 

K A N R E K I 


I went to Lions Mansion to check out the "empty look". 
It felt sad because it was our home for so long. 
The cleaning company did a great job in making it look schmick. 

End of Lions Mansion. 
Thanks for a wonderful 6 1/2  years ! 

Below:  Fukushima City Station

I traveled by local train from F. City south to Koriyama City. 

Happy Kanreki Birthday to me .... do I want to be this old ??

We went out for dinner in Koriyama City. 
I only wanted a simple izakaya-style event. 

That was the conclusion of Part #1 of my birthday dinner event. 
Next up, Odon. 

So good !  I enjoyed my kanreki birthday event a lot ! 

Thursday,  6th July, 2017
I drove from Koriyama to Fukushima to meet 
my wonderful friend, Noriko san. 

I parked DemiChan @ Daiyu 8 and then walked to the restaurant. 
It was so hot 'n humid ! 

Lunch was Banco Restaurant. 

Time spent talking, eating, drinking and laughing with Noriko is always time well spent.