owling9 michinoku 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017

March 31st

31st March, 2017

End of the first 3 months of this year already ......
My Starz said for today:

Jun 23 - Jul 23
I recently took my superhero-obsessed son to an exhibition called The Art Of The Brick. It features giant Lego sculptures of characters like Batman and Superman. He was excited. For about five minutes! Then all I heard was, 'I want to go home!' No matter how thrilling life gets, nothing comes close to the appeal of returning to our 'safe space'. Especially when the world seems 'a bit too much'. But today, it's important to give a process enough time to turn into a wonderful adventure. With today's rare and celestial alignments it's important to understand who you really are and where you are heading.
