owling9 michinoku 2017

Monday, April 11, 2016

Ohanami Party

10th April, 2016

We held a small Ohanami Party 

Even though the Sakura peaked last Wednesday..... unfortunately. 
Soooo early this year ! 
Maybe it's because we hardly had any snow either. 

Some tulips are starting to sprout in the apartment. 
Hurrah ! 

There wasn't much in the way of blossoms left on Sunday, 10th April. 
The peak was maybe the 5th or 6th of April. So early. 

Tony, Sei San and Kumiko San. 

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey .... 

Mt. Shinobu..... only lonely tree. 

Yasu and Shoko .... engaged to be married ! 
Congratulations to them. 

Chikako San and I went to the Art Museum 
to see Rembrandt. 

Monday, 11th April .... I cooked lamb chops for dinner. 
Bit of a hit if I do say so myself. 
