owling9 michinoku 2017

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


21st September, 2015

We had already planned to drive North West
to the Sea of Japan. 
It was such a beautiful day. 

Some photos around Akita and enroute. 

There was such a lot of people at Akita Marina and I can understand why. 
I would have been happy to spend the day lazing in the sun there, too. 

There was a roadside police PR event checking that everybody 
was wearing seat belts, helmets etc. 

The power poles are designed to shed snow in the winter. 
Akita Prefecture gets a lot of snow. 

Todai - the very cool lighthouse. 

The coastline, looking towards Korea, is wild, windswept and most charming. 

In a way, this part of the coastline reminded me of Cornwall, U.K.

Famous food; tasted great. 

Heading south down the coastline looking for lunch. 

Just magical clouds ! 

Good Driver ! 

We went to a simple cafe-style establishment for lunch. 

Waiting impatiently .......... Hurry, Hurry ! 

This low rock wall was interesting to me; very long, very chunky, perfectly laid. 
How old was it, I wondered ...... 

Heading back near Akita Marina. 

View from the hotel room, almost beside Akita Station. 

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