19th October, 2024
My Cancercerian horoscope for the upcoming week,
courtesy of Oscar Cainer.
Your Weekly Horoscope: The truth isn't always easy to hear or recognise. When you're worried about a situation, sometimes, it's easier to stick our head in the sand and ignore what's going on. If we keep acting as if everything's OK, maybe, miraculously, it will work out OK: and we might never get to the moment where we have to confront an uncomfortable reality. The problem with this attitude is that we go through life without being able to see what's actually going on. This week, open your eyes. Be brave. If you face a fear, a few will vanish.
I will do my best !
Sage advice indeed from the futurist, Alvin Toffler. He is the author of "Future Shock " - an amazing book which I read in 1973.
Take my horoscope as written above and combine it with Mr. Toffler's advice and it's especially applicable to my own situation, methinks.