owling9 michinoku 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


31st January, 2023

End of month round up. 

#1. Weather has been exceedingly humid over the last week, including nights. 

Difficult to sleep during the day, sweating 'n hot during the night @ work. 

#2. Sam & Chloe have been trying to purchase a house in Bristol. It's a challenge for them to raise the cash deposit to enable a loan to happen. 

#3. It was Stavros' birthday yesterday.  They are happy to be carers for LOGAN the Guide Dog in Training puppy for the next few months. 

Some of my work colleagues photographed at Pinkenba, where I was started work. 

Now at Bancroft Road. 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Australia Day


26th January, 2023

Australia Day 


Below:  Logan the puppy-in-training

as a Guide Dog has been allocated

to live @ Caloundra. 

Looking forward to meeting you, Logan ! 

An image of some Japanese food ... 

My favourite Sakura tree in Fukushima City. 

Wonder how it's doing under all of the snow 

that has been falling there recently ? 

A small lighthouse which I photographed in the Sea of Japan

quite a few years ago. Guessing it's seriously icy there right now. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

19th Jan


19th January, 2023 

Today's Cancerian Horoscope

courtesy of 

Oscar Cainer. 

Moving the goalposts is one thing. Doing it when all the players are focusing on the action at the other end of the pitch is another. The rules of a particular arrangement are being rewritten. You're not going to gain any bonus points from sticking with the previous agreement. It's time to adapt -  and to do that effectively you need to be aware of how other people are moving on. Be alert to subtle changes. Take nothing as read. And don't forget that you're allowed to rewrite the rules too. Make sure they benefit you ! 

This would be apt if it were to apply to Rothcote.

Fingers crossed that Mr. Cainer is on the money with this ... 

Sunday, January 1, 2023


01st January, 2023

1. St. John's Cathedral, Brisbane

2. Gilhooley's Irish Pub, Albert St. 

The New Year has kicked off to a great start @ 2023. 

Instead of resolving to achieve goals in the new year, make it a point to evolve the whole year through.