owling9 michinoku 2017

Friday, January 31, 2020

My late Great Aunt ...

The Brisbane Courier

Later to become known as:
The Brisbane Courier Mail  ( daily newspaper )

Dated:  Tuesday,  01 February, 1910
Located on Page 4.

FUNERAL NOTICE    -     The Friends of Mr and Mrs  Richard Smith YATES and Family are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased DAUGHTER and SISTER ( Beatrice Florence ), to move from their residence, Guthrie Street, Paddington, TOMORROW ( Wednesday ) FORENOON, 2nd February, 1910 at 10 o’clock to the Toowong Cemetery.
CANNON & CRIPPS, Undertakers

Above is the front page of The Brisbane Courier newspaper from 01 / 02 / 1910. 

She was known as FLORENCE  BEATRICE YATES, contrary to the newspaper's funeral notice stating her name sequence as Beatrice Florence YATES. 

What's so special about this photo ?  .... blow it up and see for yourself. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020


30th January, 2020 

Stav's 21 x 3 birthday today. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


28 January, 2020 

Tonight is an auspicious occasion.

Firstly, tonight's dinner is Camel .... 

Whilst the chick pea broth tasted just fine, the camel meat 
itself was tough .... even after slow-cooking for 4 hours. 
Not something I'd bother trying again. 

Below is a CROTON which I bought for my long-time friend, Leanne. 
She has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. 
Crotons are her favourite plant and I bought this to nurture
as she endures chemo. 

I transplanted it into a larger pot than the one it was in from the garden centre. 
Already it seems to be flourishing. 


Below are a couple of other photos of my "jungle" garden. 
The high humidity here makes everything explode into growth. 

And I even grew a couple of cherry tomatoes .... I'm a farmer at heart. 


Sunday, January 19, 2020


19th January, 2020


Ain't this the truth ? 

Thursday, January 16, 2020


16th January, 2020


'bout sums up the way things currently are ! 

Wholeness Blessing - We Are Not Broken

We walk in troubled times,
But let us not be troubled souls.

We stand in financial challenge,
But let us not see our lives only in crisis.

We have suffered loss, pain, and indignities.

But we have survived, and we will survive.

We have been hurt and we may be broke,
But we are not broken.


- Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Sunday, January 12, 2020


13th January, 2020 

On Monday, 13th January, 1975
I started work at the CSB Ashgrove.
45 years ago today. 


Photos of my garden this very morning. 

This frangipani is a cutting from the Toowong Cemetery. 
The tree there is dying ( ironic ). 
It seems to be doing just fine in its new home. 

I thought that this small grevillea wasn't going to make it. 
I staked it up, gave it room to thrive, water, TLC .... etc. 
I have been rewarded with the most magnificent blooms ! 

Sam's chili bush has been moved over to a larger pot. 
Seems to be enjoying things. 

I planted all these Jalapeño seeds. 
How many ?? 

One of many paw-paw trees which I have grown from seed. 

Passion fruit cuttings from the vines which I also grew from seed. 
I use these as indoor decorations. 

The garden = my quiet place to regain my sanity in the not-sane world. 


It is not good ....

12th January, 2020

Sunday, January 5, 2020


12 January, 2020

My horoscope, courtesy of Oscar Cainer. 
This is amazingly apt for me .... 

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: A protracted dispute or a challenging experience can be exhausting. Even a minor squabble affects our mood and our motivation. An experience at the end of 2019 raised doubts over one of your key relationships. But, as you move further into the New Year, it's important to remember that you're in control of your life, and that there are times when you can't allow circumstances to dictate your mood. As the transformational power of Saturn and Pluto give you a boost, you can re-energise and move on.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


04 January, 2020 


Chopsticks  More  .... this night, 2007 

Whatever happened to the Tokyo Liars ....  ??
Maybe the Universe cursed them. 

How quickly the time has passed by. 

Dec is flying from London to Dubai to Sydney. 

QF8002 LHR to Dubai 
13:40 pm (London Time) take off 

Arrive Dubai DBX 0:40 Sunday 05 January.

Then fly into Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport. 

Codeshare:  Emirates EK416
                   Qantas QF8416

Welcome back to your home country, Declan. 

Live. Work. Play. Enjoy. 


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year is here

01 January, 2020 

The first day of  January. 
The first day of a new year. 
The first day of a new decade. 

Year of the Rat

A very hot December / January. 
