The Brisbane Courier
Later to become known as:
The Brisbane Courier Mail (
daily newspaper )
Dated: Tuesday, 01 February, 1910
Located on Page 4.
The Friends of Mr and Mrs Richard
Smith YATES and Family are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their
deceased DAUGHTER and SISTER ( Beatrice Florence ), to move from their
residence, Guthrie Street, Paddington, TOMORROW ( Wednesday ) FORENOON, 2nd
February, 1910 at 10 o’clock to the Toowong Cemetery.
CANNON & CRIPPS, Undertakers
Above is the front page of The Brisbane Courier newspaper from 01 / 02 / 1910.
She was known as FLORENCE BEATRICE YATES, contrary to the newspaper's funeral notice stating her name sequence as Beatrice Florence YATES.
What's so special about this photo ? .... blow it up and see for yourself.