owling9 michinoku 2017

Sunday, September 29, 2019

End of September

27th September, 2019 

Eat Street ! 

Thanks City Cat for the super ride down the Brisbane River . 

Grubs Up ! 

Eat Street has some local entertainment going on the main stage . 
It wasn't half-bad. 

Dessert.  Some calories which I don't really need however it was very yummy. 

28th September, 2019

Geoffrey 'n Andrea came to dinner @ B6. 

I prepared a leg of lamb to roast. 
Purchased from Angus Meats, just down the road. 

After main course, a walk to see the River Fire fireworks, 
then a simple dessert. 

An enjoyable evening. 


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Friday @ Coominya

20th September, 2019

I drove out to Coominya to the shed there
to get my old Mikisaki bicycle
and then to give it to Brendan
who wants to restore it as a retro bike. 

I was early so I trekked out to Atikinson's Dam. 
Just nooooo water ! 

This massive drought is clearly evident out this way .... 

Tough for the cattle to get green grass and enough to drink. 
Tough for Mr. Magpie to get enough to eat ... .so I gave him a cracker biscuit. 

Heading out from Atkinson's Dam and back towards Coominya township. 

This is the only green field for miles around, due to massive sprinklers
pumping out water onto the small crops. 

My Miki. 
What a legendary bicycle it has been. 
I bought it in maybe March, 1985. 
I had the front wheel separately. 

Put it all back together when Brendan arrived. 

Shimano 105 Ensemble. 

Thanks for all the great rides ! 
You'll be moving on to a different home now
however I'm sure a spruce-up will be 
just what the doctor ordered. 


Monday, September 16, 2019


16th September, 2019

The stroke patient ( he had two strokes ) is still in hospital
on the Gold Coast.  How much damage  ?  Not known exactly yet .... 

Let's hope that this week is better than last week. 

Here's a pic of my favourite bird, the OWL. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Mid - September

Feeling  homesick for here ... 

And to eat food such as this ... 


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

September 11

11th September, 2019

My Starz per courtesy of Oscar Cainer: 

Cancer the Crab

An old drama is drawing to a close; which means that another one must be waiting in the wings. Yet, how are you going to be able to devote yourself to the next project when you're not quite ready to let go of the last one ?  You're wondering whether you've done enough to ensure that a particular issue is laid to rest. All that really matters, is what's happening today. As Mars and Neptune link, they bring the perspective you need to free yourself from the past. Then focus on what you can change. 

How poignant you are, Oscar. 
You've nailed it perfectly. 

It is overdue for me to put to rest this JMW issue. 


Saturday, September 7, 2019


7th September, 2019

Crazy hot 'n windy over the last few daze. 
Spring ? It ain't Spring, it's Summer already ....  just terrible. 

Today there was a festival at Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds. 
The Japanese Festival. 

Below:  Mariko Sensei is trying to "arrange" the kids
for the performance .... Good Luck, Mariko !~   LOL 


But the air was so dry, the heat too hot .... miss the chill of Autumn in Fukushima.