owling9 michinoku 2017

Sunday, June 30, 2019

End of June

30th June, 2019

Last day of the financial year in Australia. 

It's chilly.  Sort of fine. Not at all warm. 
Why ?  'cause it's Winter here, of course. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Rainy, drab, chilly Wednesday
 the 26th day of  June, 2019.

My horoscope for today, courtesy of Oscar Cainer. 

Cancer the Crab 

An issue that's been taking all your time and effort is about to be rectified. The cosmos does, however, have the next challenge lined up and ready to go. But novelty can be reinvigorating. You've had the same conversations, debates and disagreements more times than you can count. As you begin to tackle a new challenge, you might just be surprised by the sense of freedom and inspiration it engenders. You've come so far and you've learnt so much. It's time to profit from your knowledge. 


Monday, June 24, 2019


22 June, 2019 

The Winter Solstice has arrived. 
The shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. 

A bbq to celebrate is in the order of things, methinks. 

Above:  Soupy bubbling away over the coals .... 

Below:  I melted the laminex cover off of the pine board; Norm made this
before I was even born, so it's kinda old.  Not in such good shape now ... if you 
look closely you can see the steam just pouring out of the wood !  LOL 

How hot is too hot ? 

Not exactly a low-calorie dessert but yummy nonetheless. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

June 19th

19th June, 2019 

My late Mother's birthday.  
19th June, 1930. 

My late Mother's Mother's birthday. 
( my maternal Grandmother, Molly ). 
19th June, 1903. 

We had an inaugural BBQ tonight with the Weber 
which was gifted by Stavros and Alicia. 

A new wine to try .... 

Tonight was the very first BBQ using the Weber. 
Verdict:  Great


Some photos of the garden terrace. 
The hibiscus which Sandie gave me; flowering nicely. 

Weather was almost perfect today. 
Temperature range was 10C -24C and fine, dry air. 
Winter in South East Queensland. 


Thursday, June 13, 2019

June 13

13th June, 2019

My Starz   -   Cancer, the Crab

Courtesy of Oscar Cainer

It's not as hard as we think to right a wrong. What's much more difficult, is deciding what is right and what's wrong ! We tend to judge things in an instant. We're good at summing people up in the blink of an eye. We turn our critical faculties on ourselves too - we know our flaws. Since we set our standards so high, it's no wonder we end up ignoring the things we should really be attending to and rejecting advice we'd be wise to accept. Today, you can work out what's wrong - and then start to put it right. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Flight Back

Tuesday Evening
11th June, 2019
QF62 - my regular schedule

Tokyo to Brisbane direct. 

Friday, June 7, 2019


A special "long time, no see" to my favourite tree
in Fukushima City. 



Monday 3rd 

Fukushima City - chores

Tuesday 4th 

Fukushima -  Ladies Reading Group / lunch

Wednesday 5th 

Calligraphy / lunch

Noriko san drove in the rain to Tsuchiyu to see a water lilly pond. 

Igetajinba Mansion in Jinbacho .... second top floor window
was my bedroom window back in 2007 - 2010. 

Thursday 6th 

Sendai / gyutan lunch. S-Pal

Friday 7th 

Koriyama  Raining
Coffee Tully's @ Station

Talking talking ...

Then I went up Big I and took some photos there.

Looking down towards Balmy Mansion ...

Usui  Department Store. 

Saturday 8th

Birthday !!


Brent and Kotoe  
Dinner in Fukushima City. 

\Each wearing the souvenir cap which I presented .... glad that they like them.

Sunday 9th