owling9 michinoku 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017


S U N D A Y 

30th April, 2017 

H A P P Y   21st  B I R T H D A Y 



Sorry that you couldn't join us for your 21st birthday dinner, Dec .... 
Hopefully soon ! 



29th April, 2017

Justy San is not doing too well ....... 
He's not expected to be on Planet Earth for much longer. 

We drove down from This City to That City to connect with him. 

Ganbatte, Justy San !! 
We'll see you again tomorrow. 



F I N I S H 

End of working....... 

Thursday, 27th April

Bye Bye Pastel

Friday, 28th April

Bye Bye Owl

Bye Bye JES after 13 years. 

Monday, April 24, 2017


23rd April, 2017

We took the highway bus to Sendai City
and went to Church there. 
It probably was the last time that I will visit Sendai. 

A very charming gentleman we met in Church several years ago. 
We don't even know his name. 
His wife sadly passed away last year - he is maybe 86 years old. 

After that we went to a gyutan shop for lunch. 
It was our first time there .......... really great ! 

Then some real ice cream from Hokkaido.
The focus is on the cream, not on sugar ..... great taste. 

There was a coffee and wine festival in Sendai. 
Weather was perfect for it. 

This very well-behaved Collie Dog came and sat down 
beside us with his master.  He was enjoying a day out. 

Bus back to This City. 
Then I started throwing everything out of the apartment ..... moving moving moving. 
Tedious !