owling9 michinoku 2017

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Sunday Morning 
25th May, 2014

I am home alone for a few hours today
however I am not lonely at all. 

My small balcony garden is enjoying the Spring already. 

And the lilly which Chikako bought is doing so well, too. 

My favourite ever-changing view from our apartment. 

Mr. Crow decided to stop by
and say, "Hi" to me. 

Newcomer, Mr / Ms ?  Pigeon stopped by also. 


Wednesday,  28th May, 2014

Shoko san traveled from Joetsu City to This City 
to our company office. 

I was thrilled to finally meet her ! 
She kindly brought me a gift. 

Delicious ! 
Thank you, Shoko ...... 


Saturday Night, 31st May, 2014

After I finished work, we walk uptown to see the Festival. 


Saturday Night 
24th May, 2014

My work held a somewhat belated 

Welcome to Spring Party. 

Not many people attended however it was great fun ! 

Venue was good, 
                food was good, 
                                           company was good
                                                               - all was good. 

These pictures were taken on my cell phone camera,  
hence the quality is somewhat wanting ...... nonetheless
they do provide a record of the event. 

 The food was ongoing. 
Just didn't stop. 

 I really need a haircut - booked in on Monday, 2nd June. 

Everybody said that it was a hot night but I still wore a sweater. 
Maybe it is because I am 
a Brizzie Boy at heart. 

 ........ this tasted sooooooooooo good ! 

Small sweets to finish.
Do not need extra-large servings. 

The two hard-working chefs ..... very genki boyz ! 

Thanks; we all enjoyed our office party. 

Random Events #2.

People are so kind ! 

Kei san bought me a surprise gift, totally out of the blue, so to speak. 

And then ........... 

Kayoko san bought these souvenirs from her trip. 
Crunchy and delicious. 

Random in May.

Random Events 
thus far this month. 

It was my Father's Memorial Day on May 15th. 

Seven years ago. 

Chikako thoughtfully bought these beautiful lillies. 

The last meal I had with my Father was steak at The Gap the day before I flew out for Japan. 

Ironically, I flew out on May 15th, 2004
and he died on May 15th, 2007. 

Followed by ice cream, his favourite dessert. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday, 18th May

Sunday Morning
18th May, 2014

I drove us from This City
to That City 
to go to Church. 

St. Peter and St. Pauls Church of England. 
It is a very old and very beautiful old building 
which took a direct hit on 3/11. 

A wonderful group of choristers and musicians came up from Tokyo
to play and sing today. Wow ! They were wonderful. 

Even Bishop Kato from Sendai came down for the Service. 

Demi Chan was waiting patiently in the car park
whilst we prayed for World Peace. 

After Church we went to a small cafe for lunch. 

Chikako san was also waiting .......... patiently ? Impatiently ?
She was hungry. 

Iced coffee with sweets for her
iced tea with sweets for me. 

 It was a nice cafe, very popular and not expensive. 

Across from the cafe was this helicopter strapped to the roof of some shop. 
I could not quite get the significance of it. 
Somewhat unique. 

After I drove us back to This City we went to a cemetery to pay respects for a friend of mine who passed away 4 years ago on May 4th, 2010. 
She was only 43 years old. 

How many steps did we have to climb ?
What a loooooong haul it was........ 

But the view from there was amazing; building to the right is KEIBA,
or the horse racing track here.

  Other big building is Red Cross Hospital. 


On the way out we spotted this huge wasp on a tree, 
which is below.

 Worth a photo.