owling9 michinoku 2017

Monday, May 30, 2011

Au Revoir

On a rainy, slightly humid Sunday Evening, 29th May, 2011
I hosted Tomo_san`s Farewell Party @ Cadja Cafe, This City 

Above: Tomo and Kimi
Below: Bryan and Tomo

Above: Lots of delicious food
Below: Chikako, me and Masako 

Above, left to right: Masako, Bryan Tomo, Chikako (standing ) and Kimi

Fare-thee-well, Tomo_san. 
Enjoy your new life in V.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Should I really be working ?


A wet, windy Sunday morning

22nd May, 2011

Some guy fishing in the river .... please enjoy whoever you are.
I will just sit here, drinking coffee and watching you get wet. 

We love Mr. Crow

Enjoy the cake, Mr. Crow ! 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Four years ago tonight ....

In Memorium


17.12.25  to 1.15 am on 15.05.07

Anyway, we decided to go out to dinner .... kinda like a celebration in your honour.
1. Hanbey - main course
2. Danke Schon - ice cream
3. Mr. Donuts - cheap coffee

Maybe you only would`ve liked the ice cream part of it - that`s your lookout !  lol
I think about you everyday ......

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Sen Dai Sun Day

08th May, 2011


Northern City

After attending Church we went to Kellch yet again !

Then lunch at a sort-of Italian Cafe.

Train up, but toooooooooooo windy so they were cancelled.
Back by highway bus.

"Home James,
And don`t spare the horses "

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Abukuma 阿武隈川

Golden Week
Windy Wednesday
04th May, 2011

We loaded everything onto the trusty treadlies
and pedalled along until we found a shady tree
where we shared a wonderful lunchtime picnic
 by the Abukuma River
This City.

Lent is over so we could eat baguettes again ...

Lazy Daze together. 
I can`t imagine Life with anyone else.

Some birds were chirping "Hello" to us from the tree.
 But maybe my camera is not so good ....

A happy Spring day !

Today is the first anniversary of the untimely passing of my friend, Naoko Seki, from This City.
R.I.P. Naoko_san.  I hope that you are enjoying Spring in Heaven.

Then onto shopping `n coffee.

Singles tournament on the courts by the Abukuma River
will start next Sunday morning.

Two new racquets from Ohnoya Sports.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

三寒四温 (Sankan-Shion)

3 can
4 on

Three days cold weather
Four days warmer weather

Spring is in the air

Above:  Some beautiful Spring flowers   : )
Below: Lurking in the shadows .... JAEA  :(

Above:  More beautiful Spring flowers on Paseo Street    : )
Below:  My friend, Toshi`s house/rice shop is gone. Nothing. :(

Above:  The Azuma Snow Bunny.
Below:  Kyo mo ganbarimasu !

Even our daily fly-in friend, Mr. Crow, has started a Spring diet.
Enjoying the banana, are we ?
No fat crows allowed !


Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sunday, 1st May, 2011
And it`s the start of Golden Week
After eating delicious, hot noodles together at the counter of  our favourite
noodle bar here, we rode our bicycles together out to the Museum.
I had scored some complimentary tickets to the new exhibition there
 from my good friend, Hiroshi-san @ Tepco PR !

At the bookstore there, Chikako tried fukubiki ..... she "won" ??

And I purchased two new glossy art books for my reading pleasure ......

The exhibition was essentially only animae sketches in various stages of
 production, which in and of itself was boring. But all was not lost as our
freebie tickets allowed us to go to the 2nd level to see some interesting
 art pieces by Japanese and Gaijin Masters.
Much more to our liking ....